Saturday, October 1, 2011

CPS and the Board seems to think we are Stupid

As the Case Manager for Scammon School Allison Dawson, the Principal Mary T. Weaver allows Carmita Ortiz the librarian to test Special Education students. Not only is Ms. Ortiz not Special Education certified Ms. Ortiz is not even a teacher.  Ms. Ortiz the Librarian for Scammon School also lives in Skokie, IL and has done so for many years thus never making her eligible for employment at CPS.  But as a long family friend of Mary T. Weaver she was given the job even though others who met the requirements.  Further, as the documents show (I am unable and unwilling to release Children’s private information) clearly someone was coaching the students so that Scammon would get off academic probation.  This would allow the school to have another three years until they would not be achieving AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) and have to cheat again. 

A teacher Ms. Edie Sokolnicki seems to have a magical like gift every time she test’s some Special Education students they seem to pass every time.  Not only that but they also seem to score almost twice as well as they did on the pretest.  The charts are literally off the charts in some cases the score nearly double.  Ironically Ms. Sokolnicki was a teacher at the School where Mary T. Weaver’s children went to School what is going on at the Board?  I would be interested in learning weather Mary t Weaver ever worked for Sears as Alicia Winckler CPS Human Resource Department came to CPS from Sears.  I will be investigating that in the future and will let you know what I find in next month’s issue.

When I asked the district how the 8th Grade class was able to go from a score of 9.8 in ISAT testing in math in 2007.  Then the 8th Grade students in 2008 scored 34.8 which is an increase that is statistically impossible without some form of cheating.  I was told by CPS that the reason was that they had a new teacher that year and she was very good.  The problem with that is because there was so many eyes are watching this teacher now that in 2009 8th grade scored a 12.5.  This is almost an exact decrease in relation to the increase from 2007.  Maybe the teacher started drinking, or maybe she just forgot how she taught the year before? 

Let me give you some examples of things Mary T. Weaver has committed including numerous counts of tax evasion and allowed her staff to do the same.  Manda Lukic purchased five I Pads under the guise that they needed to see if they would work before a Federal Grant was approved.  However the Federal Grant had already been approved at the time of the purchases and the Grant did not include cases and upgrades.  These items were purchased from Micro Center with the Schools tax exempt ID, even though it is now Mary Weavers contention that she had always intended to pay the money back.  However, the money being paid back would be tax free also three 2hr. Ultra HD Camcorders that were purchased supposedly for the Christmas party.  If true this had nothing to do with School supplies or operations and gifts are not suppose to be tax exempt.  This was just in the course of one year I cannot even begin to imagine how often this has happened since 2006.

Angela Burgos, Manda Lukic, and Mary Weaver have all gone shopping during school hours on many, many occasions even purchasing laptop computers for some of the staff, as one inside source at the school has told me.  The source has told me that she requested his computer back recently asked for them back due to the pending audit.  This is tax fraud both Federal by not declaring gifts over $500.00, State, and City Taxes as well.  This goes beyond the scope of simple CPS Policy Ethics Violations and others, this is just outright criminal. 

Misuse of public funds, theft, tax evasion, perjury, and the list goes on yet some people to be named in a later article (General Counsel’s office of the CPS Board Law Department) and others from the Board Alicia Winckler, and the accounting department allowing this to continue.  As I have seen no evidence of any actions by anyone from CPS or the Board in any way.  At one point after I made formal allegations, an investigator Raymond Poloko conducted a nonsense, incompetent investigation that found nothing.  After I received the letter that the investigation was concluded and unfounded or sent to another department(s) for investigation I sent them evidence I had found.  After receiving this evidence that proved wrong doing I received an e-mail that the investigation would be reopened.  I guess a mad parent with a computer could find more from his home with no internal help or access then Mr. Poloko.  

To me this was just another way to shut me up to keep the investigation stalled and/or stopped until the next administration or some other reason I don’t really know.  Of course this is only my opinion based on the fact that Mary T. weaver is still allowed to be Principal, maybe they are taking steps I am unaware of?  Proof of some of this misconduct and misuse is at the following link in the accounts records 

I feel that Ms. Dawson whom lied under oath during a Due Process hearing needs to come forward about the issues she is aware of with the Special Education denials and directives by Mary T. Weaver.  If she does not then she is as guilty as the rest for it is her job, as Case Manager is insure the laws are being followed.  I know it is hard to admit the truth when you would be considered a co-conspirator but that is what the Whistle Blowers Act is good for as many teachers have come forward and done.  If she was threatened with her job and was in fear then she would have some excuse, if not then I can only think she was and is complacent with what was and is being done.  I have had several teachers tell me that they have asked her to have a student evaluated for Special Education but were denied and the Children were never evaluated.  This would be a violation of Child Find if it was true and as the Case Manager she should or would know this.   

I would like to see a real investigator (not Raymond Poloko) go to the school with the evidence thus far and questions the teachers with their Union Representative present so they feel safe to speak without further retaliation as in the past.  It is still happening in the present and future by Mary T. Weaver and those that are allowing her to do this.  Make no mistake I have nothing personal against these people other than I dislike liars, and people who hurt and steal from Children.  Further, I will never stop until these people are brought to justice voluntarily or because the News Media’s stories give them little to no choice. 

I wonder how the over 900 parents are going to feel and think when they learn that their children’s private information was given away and allowed to be released by others?  I was told by a source at Scammon that Allison Dawson had e-mailed teachers with the Principals log in information and password.  The teachers say they can provide the e-mail proof if they are protected from retaliation by CPS so we may never know how many disks or records are still out there.  This only came to my attention after I had found that Mary T. Weaver while being investigated gave me a disk I assume accidentally with every student’s information.  When I went to the office to get my sons test scores as there were many inconsistencies I asked Mary Weaver for the information about his testing scores.  She seemed obviously upset in general and with me, she then went in her office came out with the disk and said here. 

I placed the disk in my briefcase with the other disks of evidence, and recordings of meetings to which I have accumulated many over the years.  I had requested my son’s files earlier and the next day was given the files so I had forgotten about the disk.  Recently when going through my evidence including FOIA requests on disks and the recordings I put that disk in and was shocked.  It had contained confidential information about every student at Scammon School including, address, phone numbers, student ID numbers, grades, test scores, Scantron scores, who tested them, race, economic status of the family, special education information, etc.  This is a Violation of FERPA for each Student and ISSRA which the latter I was made aware of in an e-mail by Patrick Rocks General Counsel for the Board of Education Chicago. 

I wonder if the parents have been informed as is required by law, or if Mary T. Weaver and/or Allison Dawson have been held accountable for these violations.  Lately I wonder why the laws and policies are even in place as no one seems to be punished by them.  No consequences, actions, arrests, firing, suspensions or even a stern talking to that I am aware of to date.  Maybe if you work for CPS or the City of Chicago you are exempt for the rules, policies and laws and just us citizens are the ones that get punished?  Well if CPS does not inform these parents I will inform the parents if they don’t find out from this document or the many News Blogs it is on.

How do you feel knowing of the extravagant purchases CPS employees are making during work hours, now you get an idea why CPS is broke?  How do you think the Mayor is going to react when this hits the media and he was the one who gave principals more powers, and “reformed the Schools”?  I see no reform and no accountability I have been fighting this fight for far too long and though I am tired I am more determined every day.  I will never stop even if I have to go to Springfield or White House to make sure our Children are protected and learn without the Administrations fighting to do the opposite.  I will keep speaking and getting the truth out until the bubble will have to burst from the mountain of evidence.  I will Cc, the website and information to every teacher and pass out flyers at the school every day if that’s what it takes who knows I may get more evidence in the process.

Finally I would like to talk to the Public, Teachers, Administrators, Staff, Board members, Parents, and anyone else.  If you have evidence of any kind including memo’s, documents, Audio, Video, or anything else I implore you to please send them to me.  You can e-mail them in PDF to or Mail them me directly just contact me via e-mail and I will either come get them or give you an address to mail them to.  It’s time to make a stand against corruption and politics, your identity will be kept secret and I will protect your identity no matter what.  I have audio recordings that I took both legally and secretly that I will be uploading to this site.  I know I may get prosecuted for it but if that what it takes to get the truth out then so be it.  Laws are meant to protect the public and to insure justice is served.  The politicians and government employees use that to say and do whatever they want this is not Justice and this certainly does not serve the public good.  I will fight this fact all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to, or spend time in jail before reveling a source if that what it takes for the truth to be served and our Children to be protected.

By: Jason Glenn

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary weaver used to give my daughter the answers to tests. She would sit next to her and give them.