Why is CPS in Financial Ruin and Bleeding Money?
Is it because they have too many Children to educate, and not enough budget money allocated to them? Maybe it is because CPS is not getting its fair share of Federal Grants and funds that are suppose to help and support the education of our Children? I know it must be because there are not enough Private companies and people donating money to CPS. If not that it must be that CPS is not allowed to have enough fundraisers to make essential supply purchases.
It’s none of the above, I have come to find out it’s because CPS has no accountability over its Principals and individual Schools spending. It would seem that the Board is more concerned with cutting and denying Special Education or intentionally denying Services. They are also willing to break their own rules about class sizing and just about anything as long as it benefits them. See the Board counts on Parents not having the time, experience, money, and patients to fight their deep pockets. Even if you have money and all the time in the world they still may deny your child Services because the averages are on their side. For every one parent that beats CPS and fight for in some cases years, in the end they still lose.
I, after fighting CPS for a couple years and taking my case all the way to Due Process, and filing the proper complaints with OCR (U.S. Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights), I only got the services my Child was entitled to. Even though the staff at the school lied about his test results and lied about just whatever they wanted not one of them was punished. Not even so much as a day off without pay or charges brought against them by the Illinois State Board of Education. Even though OCR said my Childs Civil Rights were violated they did nothing. They filed no charges against anyone, despite my continued complaints and requests so that these people could not do this to someone else’s Child.
See at the time I was both ignorant as well as naïve I was under the impression that if you were right and you fought hard enough Justice and Truth would prevail. I now know that justice is truly blind what’s worse is that she could care less. And that the truth is a smoke and mirror house of cards and no matter who is dealing the house (CPS) always wins. See after I won my Due process case by myself as I could afford no one to help me. Even after I was able to get OCR to admit that the School district and CPS violated my Childs rights another victory. I was not proud but was ashamed that after years of hard work yes my Child got his IEP and Services for Special Education. But I then realized that the whole time I was focused on fighting the system proving they were wrong. In the end my son lost over 5 years of those very services that he needed.
See CPS had won either way because after all was said and done the attorneys they have on staff get paid no matter what the outcome. However, for those five years they saved on the money it would have cost to provide the services my Child was always entitled to. So long story short in the end I lost, my Child lost, my wife lost, and my other children lost. See I had to spend so much time learning the law, filing papers, notices, requests, and my children didn’t have Dad to hang out with. My Child fell so behind he has to fight twice as hard just to catch up in school, and my whole family missed precious time with me and me with them that I can never get back. The only people that won were the Politicians, Bureaucrats, and lawyers most are one in the same.
It was at that time when I looked up and noticed my children had aged and my health had deteriorated that I swore I would not let this all be for nothing. This is when I decided that one Child at a time, one School at a time, one person at a time I would fight with all I have until I am dead, so that no one will ever have to go through what I did ever again alone. I for the first time understood the words of my hero’s like Dr. Martin Luther King who no matter how big the fight never give up. He also taught me that I should never stoop to their level for if I should then my victory was no victory at all. Or Mohandas Gandhi who beat the entire British Empire and won his countries freedom by just staying the course and saying no I will not give up no matter what you do to me. That if we can unite in one voice and say no, you cannot do this we will not permit it as a people you can do the impossible. John F. Kennedy who refused to back down from anyone and give into what he knew was right; no matter the cost even his life. With this inspiration I will now show you why CPS is broke now, in the past, and will be in the future. I wanted you to understand how I found the answer and why I will never give up. I will take my Children’s School as the example but not the exception of what is happening at CPS. I thought hey if they would lie about my Child’s test scores and perjure themselves in testimony in a hearing what else am I missing? So I asked, filed FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, went to every LSC meeting, talked to teachers and Parents. Even though I thought I could no longer be shocked by the depravity of what CPS can do while the Board looks the other way I got sucker punched again.
My Children’s School was Scammon Elementary School located at 4201 W Henderson, Chicago, Illinois 60641. See, I had caught the Principal Mary T. Weaver in many lies so thanks to her I started to dig and investigate. The School may sound familiar as it has been on CBS Channel 2 news twice thanks to some great people including Dave Savini and Michele Youngerman. I have no idea who is in charge over at Channel 2 Chicago but let me tell you that is one station that cares about the truth. Not just for the ratings, not because it’s popular, but because they care really care. I even started a Blog dedicated to just presenting evidence and so people at the School would have a place to upload my evidence. If you’re reading this you may be on that Blog http://scammonschoolchicago.blogspot.com or any of a number of online news columns I write for. The site above is only the facts you can see for yourself no agenda but the truth.
The truth is that CPS Principals and the Administration is stealing money from us the tax payers and the Government all while committing fraud. I found out that the Schools watchdog the LSC (Local School Counsel) was rigged and fixed by Mary T. Weaver and her staff. One member on the LSC Carmita Ortiz the School librarian does not even live in Chicago and never has which means she isn’t even suppose to be employed at CPS. But she thanks her long time family friend by buying here expensive gifts I am sure to stay in her good graces. Carmita keeps her job, The Principal Mary Weaver gets her not only to vote her way. If that’s not enough it’s the LSC that votes to renew the Principals contract but one vote is never enough to insure you get what you want. So you get a grandmother and her daughter on the LSC, the daughter lives in Niles using her Mom’s address to get your children enrolled. Since Grandma watches the kids after school while mom is at work it’s convenient and for Mary Weaver she now has two more votes. Ms. Kostner (community member of the LSC) somehow got her grandchild enrolled in school early, a source told me that there is no Birth Certificates in the students file. When the source asked the Child their birth date the Child was honest as Children at that age always are.
Then with some simple investigation I found out that an Aide for Alderman Reboyras is also on the LCS and guess what Scammon donated to his campaign fund. If that’s not a conflict I don’t know what is but now I know why Alderman Reboyras has done nothing about the issues at the school. I have e-mailed the Alderman numerous times and nothing I guess I know why now. The Principal even hired substitutes when Gery Chico’s wife spoke at the school so her friends could attend. Mr. Chico was at the time running for Mayor. Now Mary T. Weaver Principal at Scammon School has 4 of 6 members votes locked in how could she lose?
Another inside source on the LSC told me he was sorry but what could he do. If he didn’t vote Mary’s way and do what Mary Weaver Said he would get let go and would be on the no hire list. He said I get left alone as long as I keep my mouth closed. He even apologized for comments he made at a Board meeting but said he refused to say what she wrote for him to say, and he rewrote it himself less harsh. I can’t say I blame him in this economy losing your job and being on a CPS no hire list is scary when you have to support your family. He said it makes him sick that they must be the only LSC that always has unanimous votes every time.
In the documents at the blog listed above you will see money spent for among other things 5 I Pads purchased as gifts. Laptop computers given as gifts, Target Gift Cards for some of the LSC members, more food and snacks used for fund raising and the money raised put right in Mary T. Weaver’s pocket. If that’s not enough 1000’s in pizza to keep the kids happy and quiet, approximately $10,000.00 in profits from candy and other items sold at the school the money never going for the Children.
The worst part is that all these shopping sprees are during School hours and most done by Manda Lukic Assistant Principal with Mary Weaver Principal and Angela Burgos coming in a close second. When I say shopping I don’t mean popping over to staples down the street for ink cartridges. Even in some cases going as far as Niles Township to go shop with Chicago’s taxpayer’s money. I liked the three Ultra HD 2hr. Camcorders for their Christmas party and not one teacher I spoke to remembers them at the party. Maybe they got lost having been purchased in November?
I will not stop this investigation into Scammons misuse of public funds or the outrageous behavior(s) of the Administration with Mary Therese Weaver as the leader. The sad thing is that the buck does not stop there. The Board has been blocking and covering up for Mary Weaver since complaint one was made by teachers under the “Whistle Blowers Act” several years ago. I guess the teachers were unaware that the Board is both deaf and dumb in these matters. Once I finish with Scammon I will investigate Alderman Reboyras, and the Board members involved. I will insure that I weed out any and all corruption and complacency; in short I am hoping that one man can make a difference. In my mind these people in doing nothing or covering for Mary Weaver makes them co-conspirators’ after the crime.
The investigation continues…
By: Glen Presnell
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